Rent comparison in Munich districts
Munich. The most recent rental market report of the Real Estate Association of Southern Germany (IVD) shows that Munich apartment prices vary considerably dependent on the location.
Professor Stephen Kippes of IVD warns of an "overvaluation".
The differences between the districts are considerable. For example, for 11-13 euros/m2 one can afford an apartment in Bogenhausen, where one can experience countryside-style space, while still being in the city center. Absolute record prices are for old buildings and postwar Munich apartments, with 13.10 Euro demanded on average by landlords for rental apartments built before 1950.
Up to 11 euros cost a square meter in the middle-class districts such as Fürstenried or Laim. Rents have risen here in recent years by up to one euro. Under 10 euros per square meter in Munich one can find a place closer to the city borders like in Aubing. In Hasenbergl the rent prices are ranging from 9.25 to 9.40 Euro, according to the report.